Friday, April 30, 2010

And the Party Politics Roll On...

Ok, I know I'm probably going to start sounding like a broken record, but here I go again...

When will the politics stop and REAL Americans be heard? We've all heard the saying, "All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!" We often associate this phrase with Congressional Washingtonians who stay in office too long, but what about those in PAID leadership positions in well-meaning and socially moral organizations such as the Right to Life organization? Is it possible, their paychecks are making them less prone to fight the real fight, and more likely to stand in the corner quietly saying, "This is wrong," but only loud enough to be heard by those closest to them?

Most are now aware of comments made by IN Senate candidate, Richard Behney, regarding the leadership of the Indiana Right to Life organization, along with their hasty (and in my personal opinion- childlike) rescinding of their endorsement. I find it odd that they would not publicly declare their endorsement of Behney (he told radio host Peter Heck he never knew he was endorsed by them in the first place), but when they take away their endorsement they make a point of notifying the Main Stream Media. Hmmm, this isn't political, right? I don't buy it!

Aside from their obvious attempt at making this a political weapon, I'm confused how they (the Right to Life organization) can take Richard's comments about the LEADERSHIP of the organization, "One of the things I'm most disappointed about in running for the United States Senate - I've met many people here - I've met many of these leaders - pro-life leaders - here in our state. And I'm convinced as sure as I'm standing here that they are more concerned with their egos and with their jobs than with saving lives," and interpret them to say he is no longer Pro-Life? Is Richard not stating the exact opposite? He's DISAPPOINTED more isn't being done for the sanctity of life! So who really needs to be called out by the Main Stream Media (MSM)? Richard, for pointing out the leadership is falling down on the job, or the leaders who use political sabotage to "get back" at a man of conviction because he had the GUTS to tell it like it is? When there are more abortions today, and the healthcare bill now provides abortions with TAX DOLLARS...can we not agree the Right to Life leadership has been lax in their efforts and not being vocal enough about the cause at hand?

To hear a recent interview Behney had with radio host Peter Heck on this subject, click here:

We have to vote for principles on MAY 4th! Don't vote for the guy the MSM tells you to vote for because he has all the party endorsements (isn't that what we've been fighting all along?), or the one said most likely to beat Coats...this is not going to get the good guys in office! This is a wasted vote because we will be getting more of the same! My vote's going for Behney- and I can guarantee there's a lot more than the MSM's 3% voting for him along with me! Vote your heart! Vote, and tell others to vote for a real citizen and take a chance on having your voice heard in Washington!


  1. I agree...the reason our country is in the mess it's in is because we don't have enough politicians willing to tell it like it is instead of always trying to be "politically correct." He's not even elected yet, but he's already holding people's feet to the fire. We certainly need more like him. I'm praying for Behney to win on May 4th !

  2. Yes, I too am praying that Behney will win the primary on May 4th. He is solid and honest. I don't personally know him, but others who do say that he is for real and won't play the political game for his own benefit. Haven't we seen enough of that already?

  3. Behney is an individual of impeccable character. If he weren't he wouldn't have received an iCaucus endorsement. He made an honest statement promoting his strong pro life values by way of expressing his disappointment with some shallow individuals who claim to be sharing those values. Unfortunately, some other equally shallow individuals misinterpreted his meaning and immediately showed that they were more interested in selfishly rushing into damage control mode of their own images than standing by a man whom they should have known to be beyond reproach. Those capable of thinking for themselves will see the situation for what it is and support Behney in the primary and beyond. Those sheep that let others think for them may not. Those wavering and looking for solid evidence one way or another should visit and see for themselves. The anser will be obvious. If you want a true conservative that's more concerned with integrity than politics, Richard Behney is the only choice on May 4th. Believe it!
