Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sick of the Big Boys Telling Us How to Vote!

I just read this in the Courier Journal (See this link: ) and then spoke to some people who attended the Corydon Tea Party meeting.

I guess you have to give it to the state and national party leaders. They know best who we should have as candidates for public office. After all, we can’t be trusted with a fair and even handed election. Why, we might actually vote for the candidate of our choice, instead of the party hack who can be manipulated by Indianapolis or Washington elitists.

District 70, is just such a race. Brett Loyd, an Air Force veteran and UPS pilot, has been the object of a nasty smear campaign by the State Campaign people, because their candidate, Rhonda Rhoades, was trailing badly. So, the Indy boys thought they would show us rednecks, who, was who. So far, the Indy boys have poured a reported $80,000 into Rhonda’s pockets to use to make up stories about Brett Loyd. Rhonda, the last minute pick by the Indy boys, said she did not ask for the money, but Brett could have asked for some, too. Hum! She didn’t ask for it, but he could have, too.?!!

Anyway, pay attention District 70. Indy has spoken. Of course it is all lies. Saying Brett is not pro-life. Saying he is some kind of union thug, or whatever Rhonda’s point was. And, oh yeah, she said she declined to be vetted for office because the questions did not suit her (many were U.S. Constitutionally based). Previously, she said her e-mail and telephones weren’t working, and that is why she did not show the decency to respond to calls and e-mails about the vetting process.

I for one am sick of this intrusion of the big money, big party, telling us who to vote for, or else. Let’s show these slugs we can’t be bought and we won’t fall for their lies about a decent man, Brett Loyd. I support Brett Loyd and I can’t stand being pushed around. Remember, a candidate who will lie about one of our neighbors, will through you under the bus, as well.

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