Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Lose an Election

Readers, This was submitted for posting, and I thought you'd appreciate it!- RM

How to Lose an Election

By Sara Failin’

WARNING: THIS BLOG IS RATED PG-13 (For graphic images, some mild language, and personally offensive content to those with egos bigger than their brains)

After watching the results of the May 4th primary in Indiana, Ohio, and North Carolina, I couldn't help but feel disgusted! Once again, the party "Big Boys" have pushed the American people over the barrel and told them to shut- up and like it! While this image may be a little graphic, the reality of the current November election in these three states is worse. In all three states, the American voter now must choose between s.h.i.t.t.y. choice Republican (SpinelessHalf-wit Intent on Turning Tail on You) or s.h.i.t.t.i.e.r. choice Democrat (Spineless Half-wit Intent on Turning Tail while Increasing Excises and Restrictions). The only options left for the freedom loving voter is to either vote for the s.h.i.t.t.y. choice, telling the party boys they accept their manipulated fate, or voting for the 3rd party candidate, which, without a lot of volunteer energy behind them, will likely lead to the s.h.i.t.t.i.e.r. choice being elected in November.

So, after reflecting on this pathetic situation and dreading my November ballot (I live in Indiana), I have decided to write an advise column for others in the hopes that they can make the necessary adjustments to both their use of time and their mental attitude prior to their own state’s primary elections! If, however, you want the sensation of having your mouth gagged, hands bound, and personal liberties ripped out your backside, then by all means, follow the same path as those in the "conservative grassroots" groups here, in the Hoosier state. To make sure you lose to the party Big Boys in the primary elections follow these simple and proven steps:

  • Believe what the media is telling you about the race, particularly about the "Tea Party" candidate and believe the polls they put out are legitimate. Just ignore the fact that the liberal news media is permanently attached to the back-end of the jack-asses, while the "conservative" news sources (yes, your precious Fox news) is sucking from the "teet" of the elephants. Where is the proof of this claim, you may ask? Here's just one blatant example: There were actually 5 candidates in the Indiana US Senate race, but you wouldn't know this listening to the national news reports (and many local ones) which all claimed there were only 3 senatorial candidates- even after being informed on countless occasions of the existence of the other 2 candidates.

  • Spend countless hours protesting, writing emails, and calling your non-representing representatives. The time spent doing this rather than working for a candidate’s campaign will really help you lose the election.

  • Donate money to your local Tea Party group so they can hold more rallies and protest! This will limit the funds you have available to give to the worthy candidate’s campaign. Better yet, just give your money to the party itself.

  • If there is a large group in your state who has thoroughly vetted the candidates in a race and have endorsed the one found most Constitutional, make sure to IGNORE their endorsement! You could actually win the election if all patriot groups rallied around this candidate.

  • Spend all your time arguing with people on the internet, explaining why your candidate is better than all the others, and make sure to undermine any candidate that has been vetted and endorsed by the larger group.

  • Decide that YOUR patriot group knows best about the candidates, and there's no need for YOUR group to join efforts with others because you have enough people to push YOUR candidate over the top- you have at least 1,000 people in your mailing list, right? Ignore the fact that an average of 30% of these people ever read your messages, and that there are less than 50 people actually DOING the campaign work. You still have the power.

  • Along the same lines as the above step, make sure you (as a leader in the patriot movement) isolate yourself and your group from all other conservative groups because you don't want your members to actually vote against your favorite candidate-you know best and your opinions matter most. Don't even think about setting aside your own ideas to support a candidate others groups are supporting in order to prevent the Rino from winning (this would be compromising, and an offense to your morals, right?)!

  • Rather than making calls or canvassing for the candidates in your state, spend a lot of time researching the bills coming out of Washington. This way you can spend any other free time writing emails and letters to your non-representing representatives!

  • Believe that everyone who votes in the primary election are the “informed” voters, and continue to focus solely on those you can reach through the internet. Everyone knows person to person contact through canvassing or talking to civic groups is overrated; and besides, it would mean you would have to get out of your comfort zone and talk to people. That sucks- just stay behind your computer screen and complain.

  • Volunteer to help and then do nothing. This one’s really effective! Many people are already good at it, but let me help out those who want to try it: First, get excited about making a difference in the election and volunteer with a candidate’s campaign or patriot group to work on the candidate’s campaign. Next, offer to help with a particular project (making calls, canvassing, distributing yard signs, interviewing candidates, etc). Finally, let life get in the way of you actually doing what you said you would do, and believe you are making the right choice because someone else can pick it up for you. Take no personal responsibility in the process, and then criticize those who are actually working. This really helps lower morale.

  • Lastly, support a candidate because lots of national party people and party- controlled groups say he’s the guy to vote for... even if the local groups are exposing that candidate as a party hack. Ignore any negative press about your favorite candidate and ALWAYS listen to the national party guys- ESPECIALLY the National Republican Senate Committee. This is a sure fire way to get screwed in the election!

I know the list was long, and appreciate your patience in reading through it all. I hope you have found it insightful... or at the very least insulting enough to push you into positive forward action. The tactics listed above may sound ridiculous to some of you, but I assure you they have ALL been tested in the real world and have been proven highly successful in losing an election. If my observations have made you feel angry or defensive... you obviously needed someone to slap you in the face and show you how petty and childish you have acted over the past 9 months. I feel I have done you a great favor in pointing this out to you. For all others, I hope you take these lessons, and make whatever corrective steps are needed to remedy the situation BEFORE IT”S TOO LATE!

Call an emergency meeting with all other grassroots groups to decide who to back in the primary- and don’t leave the meeting until a consensus has been made! Look for groups who have actually vetted the candidates with more than just a look at their voting record or their pretty speeches! A thorough vetting will include a principles based analysis, an interview, and a vote among the people, before an endorsement can be given. Not just a, “I like the way he/she speaks in their prepared speeches” or worse yet, this candidate is the cousin to my girl-friend’s best friend! PLEASE! Most of all, get out of your house, talk to your neighbors, make calls, the only thing that can beat party money is grassroot’s voices, but if the grassroots are silent, the party hack (either s.h.i.t.t.y. or s.h.i.t.t.i.e.r.) wins.

I wish the best for all of you, and hope you choose to take the hard steps needed to win in your primaries. Some of us can learn from the mistakes of others, while some must learn lessons the hard way. For our country’s sake, and for my children’s future, I pray you will take this to heart and learn from the mistakes made here in Indiana!

Your fellow sister in patriotic spirit...

Sara Failin’

Friday, April 30, 2010

And the Party Politics Roll On...

Ok, I know I'm probably going to start sounding like a broken record, but here I go again...

When will the politics stop and REAL Americans be heard? We've all heard the saying, "All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!" We often associate this phrase with Congressional Washingtonians who stay in office too long, but what about those in PAID leadership positions in well-meaning and socially moral organizations such as the Right to Life organization? Is it possible, their paychecks are making them less prone to fight the real fight, and more likely to stand in the corner quietly saying, "This is wrong," but only loud enough to be heard by those closest to them?

Most are now aware of comments made by IN Senate candidate, Richard Behney, regarding the leadership of the Indiana Right to Life organization, along with their hasty (and in my personal opinion- childlike) rescinding of their endorsement. I find it odd that they would not publicly declare their endorsement of Behney (he told radio host Peter Heck he never knew he was endorsed by them in the first place), but when they take away their endorsement they make a point of notifying the Main Stream Media. Hmmm, this isn't political, right? I don't buy it!

Aside from their obvious attempt at making this a political weapon, I'm confused how they (the Right to Life organization) can take Richard's comments about the LEADERSHIP of the organization, "One of the things I'm most disappointed about in running for the United States Senate - I've met many people here - I've met many of these leaders - pro-life leaders - here in our state. And I'm convinced as sure as I'm standing here that they are more concerned with their egos and with their jobs than with saving lives," and interpret them to say he is no longer Pro-Life? Is Richard not stating the exact opposite? He's DISAPPOINTED more isn't being done for the sanctity of life! So who really needs to be called out by the Main Stream Media (MSM)? Richard, for pointing out the leadership is falling down on the job, or the leaders who use political sabotage to "get back" at a man of conviction because he had the GUTS to tell it like it is? When there are more abortions today, and the healthcare bill now provides abortions with TAX DOLLARS...can we not agree the Right to Life leadership has been lax in their efforts and not being vocal enough about the cause at hand?

To hear a recent interview Behney had with radio host Peter Heck on this subject, click here:

We have to vote for principles on MAY 4th! Don't vote for the guy the MSM tells you to vote for because he has all the party endorsements (isn't that what we've been fighting all along?), or the one said most likely to beat Coats...this is not going to get the good guys in office! This is a wasted vote because we will be getting more of the same! My vote's going for Behney- and I can guarantee there's a lot more than the MSM's 3% voting for him along with me! Vote your heart! Vote, and tell others to vote for a real citizen and take a chance on having your voice heard in Washington!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sick of the Big Boys Telling Us How to Vote!

I just read this in the Courier Journal (See this link: ) and then spoke to some people who attended the Corydon Tea Party meeting.

I guess you have to give it to the state and national party leaders. They know best who we should have as candidates for public office. After all, we can’t be trusted with a fair and even handed election. Why, we might actually vote for the candidate of our choice, instead of the party hack who can be manipulated by Indianapolis or Washington elitists.

District 70, is just such a race. Brett Loyd, an Air Force veteran and UPS pilot, has been the object of a nasty smear campaign by the State Campaign people, because their candidate, Rhonda Rhoades, was trailing badly. So, the Indy boys thought they would show us rednecks, who, was who. So far, the Indy boys have poured a reported $80,000 into Rhonda’s pockets to use to make up stories about Brett Loyd. Rhonda, the last minute pick by the Indy boys, said she did not ask for the money, but Brett could have asked for some, too. Hum! She didn’t ask for it, but he could have, too.?!!

Anyway, pay attention District 70. Indy has spoken. Of course it is all lies. Saying Brett is not pro-life. Saying he is some kind of union thug, or whatever Rhonda’s point was. And, oh yeah, she said she declined to be vetted for office because the questions did not suit her (many were U.S. Constitutionally based). Previously, she said her e-mail and telephones weren’t working, and that is why she did not show the decency to respond to calls and e-mails about the vetting process.

I for one am sick of this intrusion of the big money, big party, telling us who to vote for, or else. Let’s show these slugs we can’t be bought and we won’t fall for their lies about a decent man, Brett Loyd. I support Brett Loyd and I can’t stand being pushed around. Remember, a candidate who will lie about one of our neighbors, will through you under the bus, as well.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Something's Fishy in Indiana's CD 9!

Let’s begin with some quotes from Travis Hankins’ web site. As people say, his story is compelling.

“I was raised by the government from an early age, starting in day care and working my way through the government school system.”

“Many of my close friends and peers came from the same poor, broken family background that I did. Our government schooling, with help from the movies we watched and the music we listened to, shaped our values of moral relativism and situational ethics. There were no moral absolutes. There was no such thing as right and wrong, only what we thought was right in our own eyes.”

“Government continued its strong presence in my life as I became the first in my family to attend college. The only way I was able to attend Indiana University was through a federal government program that financially assists first-generation, low-income students. This government program solidified my view that help from the government was the only way I could succeed in life and that I was entitled to help due to my circumstances. I was also an influential student leader on campus. My influence and my advice, which I thought was right at the time, led many students down the wrong path. I led students to believe in the same ideas that I strongly held. I felt that America was an oppressive empire, that our nation's military was imperialist, that capitalism was nothing but greed and that Ronald Reagan was the worst President ever. I saw marriage and family as something to escape rather than embrace, abortion as an acceptable choice of convenience, and that government was the answer to every problem.“

“Looking back, I lacked motivation to accomplish anything I had to work for and I was making zero preparations to become independent and self reliant. My only plan was to be "happy" and take what the government gave me.”

Fast forward six short years. Travis has become a Christian. He has gone to Bible School, Washington D.C., and to several states campaigning for Mike Pence for President. I am truly happy for him, but where do we get the information about getting the “motivation to accomplish anything I had to work for and I was making zero preparations to become independent and self reliant”? His first job, appears to be“real estate investor” in 2005. That apparently has provided the necessary independence to become self-reliant. At least it has provided time to go all over the country in order to compare himself with Ronald Reagan and Mike Pence. His is a great story of finding God and escaping his life-long enchantment with socialism. To then ask to be our United States Representative, excuse me, I want to know more, and this young guy has some audacity to think that no experience of any kind in the last 5 or 6 years is enough to be elected to such an important office.

Travis Hankin's biography page on his campaign website states: “In 2005, he established Hankins Properties and owns properties in locations including beautiful Branson, Missouri and sunny South Carolina.” There is no record of a business registered in Indiana under Hankins properties. There are businesses in Missouri and South Carolina that have “Hankins” in the name, but none are owned or have a resident agent of Travis or Aaron Hankins.

Source: Also, see MO and SC SOS websites.

Travis states he “owns property in Branson, MO”; however, the only property in Branson, MO is a single two bedroom condo owned solely by Aaron Hankins, his twin brother.

Here’s a picture of it:,+branson,+mo&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=159+Vixen+Cir,+Branson,+Taney,+Missouri+65616&gl=us&ei=jDefS7DDMoHSM6DYnOIM&ved=0CA0Q8gEwAA&ll=36.67606,-93.232341&spn=0,359.978135&z=16&layer=c&cbll=36.669708,-93.232472&panoid=b5ZtbM37rKWmHeCD-_YsYw&cbp=12,336.41,,0,-10.05

One easily finds rental ads for this condo with Chris Denney listed as sole contact for renting out Aaron’s property in Branson, MO. Google cached Source:,+branson,+mo&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

Oddly, Chris Denney is also involved in the Travis campaign, notably as owner of Travis’s political websites:

Also notable is the address given for the campaign headquarters as 1824 Central Ave, Columbus, Indiana 47201. This is the address of Aaron Hankins. Aaron Hankins also began a campaign for congress in the same district as Travis in 2007.

Aaron Hankins and Travis live at the same address in Columbus, IN. Apparently, Travis is still not self-sufficient, and while living off of other people's funds he's asking the good people of Indiana to send him to WASHINGTON to live off tax-payer money?!

It is illegal to use campaign contributions for living expenses. I do not see how Travis Hankins is generating personal income through "Real Estate". If this is legitimate, Hankin's campaign needs to explain the complete lack of documentation proving his actual income.

There are regular “Free Will Offerings” taken up at his various appearances. He does not seem to track this money and he may be causing churches and other Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) organizations to put their exempt status at risk, since political contributions, or even hosting and supporting candidates for public office are not appropriate activities for public charities.

People have shared how Travis has visited their church, explaining how difficult his life has been, telling of his conversion and his being the only Christian conservative running for this office (9th District- which is utterly untrue). Claims he is disrespected by the media, and can’t get invited to the debates, and he won’t take tainted contributions from the corporations and lobbyists. People (especially the middle-aged women) feel sorry for this nice young Christian boy and they give him money.

There is much more, and some research needs to be done on his campaign spending. I would assume that he should have disclosed his personal financial statements (or something similar), which would provide insight into what he owns, what he makes and whether he is self-sufficient. If not, how is he paying to live? Does he have any other job? Has he ever had more than temporary employment? How did he (or Aaron) buy a condo in Missouri, if neither had ever worked through the age of 22 or 23 (roughly the year that Travis established Hankins Properties (apparently a non-existent entity with property his brother owns, which does not make enough money to make a decent living for one person (whichever of the identical twins it belongs to)?

A word of caution fellow Hoosiers...there's something fishy going on in District 9!